{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (383 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1 - 100 of 383)

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Read-write operation (59 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#109 Decouple the fuel tank representation aircraft/dc3 closed implemented enhancement minor István Váradi 13 years ago
#105 Try to find a lamp-like icon for the connection status gui closed implemented enhancement minor István Váradi 13 years ago
#102 Add right-button menus for some list elements gui closed implemented enhancement minor István Váradi 13 years ago
#77 Use gettext for string translation, if possible gui closed implemented enhancement minor István Váradi 13 years ago
#66 Sound option: approach callouts sounds closed implemented task minor István Váradi 13 years ago
#108 Check how the DC-3 reports RPM aircraft/dc3 closed implemented task major István Váradi 13 years ago
#107 The PIREP constructor should get the flight object other closed implemented enhancement major István Váradi 13 years ago
#104 Display the names of the airports in the welcome message gui closed implemented enhancement major István Váradi 13 years ago
#100 Option to quit when the close (X) button is clicked gui closed implemented enhancement major István Váradi 13 years ago
#106 Fix the problems when moving not consecutively selected files in the checklist editor gui closed fixed defect critical István Váradi 13 years ago
#101 Disable Cancel flight buttons when the flight has ended gui closed implemented defect critical István Váradi 13 years ago
#84 Write and integrate a user's manual in English and Hungarian with screenshots other closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#103 Update the fuel level on the fuel page during flight gui closed wontfix enhancement minor István Váradi 13 years ago
#99 Examine why text fields cannot be edited when the program is minimized and then opened gui closed implemented defect major István Váradi 13 years ago
#98 Check why restarting after update does not work on Windows 7 other closed implemented defect critical István Váradi 13 years ago
#97 Log the CoG value at takeoff and touchdown aircraft/other closed implemented enhancement major István Váradi 13 years ago
#96 Use km/h for Russian planes, knots for others aircraft/t154 closed implemented enhancement major István Váradi 13 years ago
#94 Check if fuel weight could be calculated more accurately datacollection/fsuipc closed implemented enhancement major István Váradi 13 years ago
#93 Add the URL to the about dialog gui closed implemented enhancement major István Váradi 13 years ago
#95 Allow editing data on the takeoff and landing pages even after leaving them gui closed implemented enhancement critical István Váradi 13 years ago
#92 Highlight the fault lines in the log gui closed implemented enhancement major István Váradi 13 years ago
#80 Support the PMDG 737NGX model on FSX aircraft/b737 closed implemented task major István Váradi 13 years ago
#86 Better flight cancellation/new flight handling gui closed implemented enhancement critical István Váradi 13 years ago
#85 Check if times are handled properly datacollection/fsuipc closed implemented task critical István Váradi 13 years ago
#90 Fix the weights for the Tu-134 aircraft/t134 closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#91 Allow loading a flight directly on the login page gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#89 Log not gear's actual position but when it is being retracted or extended by the pilot datacollection/fsuipc closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#87 Allow saving of downloaded flights gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#83 Add a detailed PIREP viewer to the load PIREP dialog gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#88 Log both the settings and the transitions of the flaps and the gears datacollection/fsuipc closed duplicate task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#82 Check why the highlights are black with gtk 3.0 gui closed fixed defect major István Váradi 13 years ago
#75 Check if the program already runs other closed implemented enhancement major István Váradi 13 years ago
#76 Saved PIREPs correctly into a directory with accented characters in its name gui closed fixed defect critical István Váradi 13 years ago
#81 Solve problems with hectic winds rules closed implemented enhancement critical István Váradi 13 years ago
#59 Option: Using FS2Crew rules closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#42 Support entrance exam other closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#79 Support the aircraft type 73H aircraft/b737 closed fixed defect blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#78 Make the General tab of the Preferences window better looking gui closed implemented enhancement major István Váradi 13 years ago
#68 Sound option: checklist set sounds closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#63 Checklist hotkey sounds closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#73 Check problems PIREP checkers are facing other closed fixed defect blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#67 Sound option: speedbrake sound at T/D sounds closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#65 Sound option: pilot controlled sounds sounds closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#64 Sound option: enable sounds sounds closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#62 Option: pilot hotkey sounds closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#74 Try to setup the language environment correctly gui closed implemented enhancement major István Váradi 13 years ago
#72 Make the flight rating label wider on the Finish page gui closed implemented defect critical István Váradi 13 years ago
#71 Make the displaying of the closing message safer datacollection/fsuipc closed implemented defect blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#69 Allow saving/restoring the PIREP other closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#56 Synchronize FS seconds with system time datacollection/fsuipc closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#57 ACARS update other closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#28 Flight wizard step 4: display the fuel tanks and allow specifying the amounts gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#61 Option: hide the window when minized gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#70 Certain entry fields should automatically convert the entered text to uppercase gui closed implemented enhancement critical István Váradi 13 years ago
#35 Allow controlling the message types gui closed implemented task major István Váradi 13 years ago
#43 Flight wizard step 1: re-enable gate updating gui closed implemented task critical István Váradi 13 years ago
#60 Option: online gate system other closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#58 Option to calculate the flare time by FS gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#55 Update the gate position at the end of the flight other closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago

Read-only operation with GUI (34 matches)

#49 We should collect the logs for later sending, and certain lines should be modifiable later on gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#37 Option: language to use gui closed implemented task minor István Váradi 13 years ago
#36 Tab with gate information gui closed implemented task major István Váradi 13 years ago
#34 Help tab gui closed implemented task major István Váradi 13 years ago
#54 The destination METAR should be downloaded and refreshed when landing gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#50 Debug log tab gui closed implemented task critical István Váradi 13 years ago
#53 Implement sending the PIREP other closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#52 Help strings should be greyed out or changed when a wizard page is left gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#51 Disconnect from the simulator when the flight has ended datacollection/fsuipc closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#46 Tab for general flight info gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#44 Do not check thrust for Dash Q400 during takeoff aircraft/dh8d closed implemented enhancement blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#33 Flight wizard step 9: flight finish gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#47 The Forward button on the takeoff page should be enabled only if we are climbing gui closed implemented enhancement critical István Váradi 13 years ago
#45 Display the current FS time in the status bar gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#48 Flight wizard: the connect page should also contain the flight number, aircraft type and tail number gui closed implemented enhancement critical István Váradi 13 years ago
#32 Flight wizard step 8: landing data gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#31 Flight wizard step 7: departure data gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#30 Flight wizard step 6: download NOTAMs and METAR gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#29 Flight wizard step 5: flight level and route gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#27 Flight wizard step 3: display departure and arrival times and allow querying it from FS gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#26 Flight wizard step 2: display weight info and allow querying the payload weight from FS gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#25 Flight wizard step 1: display aircraft info and gate if at LHBP gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#22 Handle reconnection datacollection/fsuipc closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#41 Busy cursor and status display for long operations gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#19 Implement the framework for the flight "wizard" gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#18 Login and download flights from the MAVA website gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#39 Examine why the UAC shield window appears minimized on Windows 7 gui closed fixed defect minor István Váradi 13 years ago
#38 Try to explicitly remove the status icon gui closed fixed defect minor István Váradi 13 years ago
#17 Create the infrastructure for automatic updates other closed implemented task major István Váradi 13 years ago
#24 Fix the problems with minimizing the program gui closed fixed defect minor István Váradi 13 years ago
#23 Make the icon visible on Windows 7 as well gui closed fixed defect major István Váradi 13 years ago
#20 Implement status bar gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#21 The program should be iconized into the Windows status bar gui closed implemented task blocker István Váradi 13 years ago
#14 Create a logo for the application other closed implemented task minor István Váradi 13 years ago

Maintenance (7 matches)

#363 Cruising alt nem érzékelése aircraft/b737 accepted support request critical István Váradi 2 years ago
#322 Felszállás státuszba nem áll át rules accepted defect major István Váradi 8 years ago
#331 Connection issue other delivered defect major István Váradi 7 years ago
#333 Log sorrend borul, ha éjfélt üt az óra járat közben datacollection/fsuipc delivered defect major István Váradi 7 years ago
#335 Larnaca_flaps datacollection/fsuipc delivered defect major István Váradi 7 years ago
#336 FLAPS datacollection/fsuipc delivered defect major István Váradi 7 years ago
#337 Súlyok, sebességek aircraft/t154 delivered enhancement major István Váradi 7 years ago
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Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.